I-Cluster2 Policies
This cluster is a development and experimentation system. It is not a full
production computing center.
Users are guaranteed no level of service on this cluster.
We cannot make any guarantees to cluster availability or job completion.
We do backup our servers and provide a best effort service to maintain data
availability and integrity but you should always keep a copy of your data at
your site.
We try to plan and inform users of cluster maintenance, however the
cluster might be shutdown without prior notice in case of an emergency.
If you need results for a conference tomorrow, or need your data backed up nightly, you should ask us for a special usage.
All institutional or industrial users for research or experiment purposes
can have access to i-Cluster2. The i-Cluster2 board committee approves
account on a case-per-case basis.
An account on I-Cluster2 should be created for each scientific project
validated by I-Cluster2 board committee.
See Getting Started
Connect on I-Cluster2 by ssh on frontal server: ita.imag.fr
From ita, never connect on nodes directly, but always use the batch scheduler (namely OAR) to reserve nodes and run batch or interactive jobs.
Before requesting many nodes for a long time you must send a mail to the administrators.